Those were just few seconds for you,
When you conveyed me what you have
been going through,
But I was destroyed in seconds,
My world came to an end,
In those crucial “just” few seconds.
You wanted to say goodbye forever,
Telling me now we cannot talk ever,
I cannot see you ever,
And you cannot be with me forever,
Those were just few seconds for you,
When you conveyed me what you have
been going through,
But I was destroyed in seconds,
My world came to an end,
In those crucial “just” few seconds.
You said you are helpless,
For a second I did not know how to express,
I was in a state of shock,
Felt like sumbody is hitting my head on a rock,
I could not believe what is goin on,
Do I really have to forget you and move on?
Those were just few seconds for you,
When you conveyed me what you have
been going through,
But I was destroyed in seconds,
My world came to an end,
In those crucial “just” few seconds.
Do you know how much,
I waited for your call that evening,
And finally when I heard a ring,
I picked your call with excitement,
Unaware of your resentment,
That you will finally say goodbye,
All I could do at that moment was cry,
Those were just few seconds for you,
When you conveyed me what you have
been going through,
But I was destroyed in seconds,
My world came to an end,
In those crucial just few seconds.
your blog looks really awesome anjana... and yes the poem... i can only say i understand. i have felt this way b4...
Hey thnx parv!! thnx 4 understandin lol ;)
ohh DILJALLLLLLLE...nice one yaar...touching touching...ROTLU... its great but needs better formatting :) but content is awesome...do some editing and it will be perfect :) u r one good sadistic poet
anothr perspective :)
wht more i cud ask,wht else i cud pray.
so wht if some "helplessness" keeping me away.
the day u fathomed the moment u reckoned.
my luv 4 u ,i was complete in a second.
anothr perspective :)
wht more i cud ask,wht else i cud pray.
so wht if some "helplessness" keeping me away.
the day u fathomed the moment u reckoned.
my luv 4 u ,i was complete in a second.
@vijay....hmmm really good one...
ur poems are really good
keep on writing
hey nice poem
really toucching
keep on writing
@onkar , ranbhaskar: thnx :)
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